About Debden Village Hall
Debden Village Hall has been at the centre of Debden Community for over one hundred years, regularly holding activities that suit all ages and groups within Debden.
Although a new hall is planned the Trustees are still maintaining the current hall so that the community can still come together.
In 2023 a redecoration was carried out which included new floors and toilets, a new oven, new tables and chairs, with continued improvements happening all the time to ensure that the hall is a welcoming place to hold an event.
Online Booking System
Booking is simple. The easiest way is to use the online booking system, by clicking on the Calendar icon or using this link below. This will take you to our Online Booking system, where you can find all the information you need to book the hall.
Alternatively you can email the bookings secretary on
Contact Details
If you have any further questions, please get in touch.
Thank you.
Debden Village Hall Booking Secretary debdenvhbookings@gmail.com
General Enquiries: Contact@debdenvillagehall.co.uk
Description Title
Free internet is provided by Gigaclear.
The login details are as follows:
Network Name:
Password: DebdenVH#1
Monday 9.00-10.00am
Tuesday 7.00-8.00pm
Contact Sean 07475 752181
For girls aged 7-10
Contact ann.bannister@btinternet.com
Contact Hilary Davey
01799 542 717
Drop-in. £9 a session
Contact Emma 07929 048980
Watch thia space for upcoming events or contact us if you have suggestions for an event
The first ever Debden Cocktail Party was a huge success. A filled hall of party goers enjoyed a demonstration of five cocktails before choosing their own to sample. Fizz and canapes were in abundant supply before desserts and an After Eight Shot was handed round. The night ended with music from all decades supply by the great singing voice of Marc Salmon.
We managed to transform the village hall into a Christmas Wonderland, with decorations, balloons, lights, fizz, live music and as much glitter as party goers could muster. We were particularly impressed with the man in the white glitter tuxedo suit, although we didn’t see him on the dance floor!
Badgerhead did us proud with a live music set covering and array of decades and styles, and as always the people of Debden rose to the occasion and danced the night away.
It's easy to check if the hall is available and to request a booking.
Simply click on the 'Hall Booking Calendar button above, and this will direct you to the On Line Booking page